07792 689857


Group Supervison

I hold the space of group supervison for both those early in their coaching career and those more advanced caoches and supervisors as below. I bring a rich experience in holding space with groups in ways that have been described as ‘simple yet deep’ while being  “authentic, spacious, inquiry driven and warm-hearted”. I offer a combination of coaching, supervision and meditation experience and love the dance between the cognitive, emotional and somatic experience, as well as how we move in and out of the awareness that connects us to the mystery of life. I am currently lead facilitator for CSA in the UK:

Being with the Unknown – for experienced coaches and for supervisors

In service of who you are and the work you offer, the intention is to create and commit to a space in which we explore the unknown, uncertain, and emergent from a place of generative and collective awareness. Light, open, fun, playful, creative, spacious, experimental, vulnerable, warm, gentle while moving between surface and depth. If we knew what this space would bring to us, we wouldn’t be entering with the openness of inquiry that will be the very quality of the offering.

Practicalities – we will be a group of 5 (including Will) meeting on Zoom approximately every 6 weeks for 2 hours. The commitment is for 6 sessions, the first being contracting and setting the stage. Once I have a group of 3 people within a similar time zone I set up the first meeting.

Please contact me if you are interested/want more details.

Being a coach, being who you are – group supervision for those early on in coaching career
Opportunity for coaches in the early stages of establishing themselves to join a supervision group in service of who you are and the people you work with.  Supervision offers a space to explore, examine, play and experiment with who you are as a coach,  the relationship you form, the energy you bring and the skills you use in service of your coachees. The intention of this group is to learn together in ways that create stretch and broaden your range while recognising you are also already enough!  Engaging with the collective wisdom of the group these sessions will be light, open, fun, playful, creative, spacious, experimental, vulnerable, warm, and moving between surface and depth. 

Practicalities – we will be a group of 5 (including Will) meeting on Zoom approximately every 6 weeks for 2 hours. The commitment is for 6 sessions, the first being contracting and setting the stage. Once I have a group of 3 people within a similar time zone I set up the f

Please contact me if you are interested/want more details.